No special precautions are needed during daily activity with microwaves, wireless phones, antitheft detectors at stores, or handheld digital devices. Other times, you will need to have this card and information handy if you present to an Emergency Department with a clinical episode of syncope, dizziness, or palpitations, so the hospital physicians can have your device checked for any recorded abnormal heart rhythms. This is beneficial and necessary when you are traveling by plane and need to go through metal detectors these devices are only recording devices and do not emit any signals and are safe for travel and transit through metal detectors. An identification card will be sent to your home, akin to a license, with your name, your physician’s name, and the model and make of your implantable loop monitor listed for you to keep close to you. No special care is needed after the wound site has healed weeks later. VIDEO: How an implantable loop monitor is implanted Living With My Device

These small devices are contained in a metal alloy casing with an internal battery and microchips for recording and storage of the tracings of your heart rhythm The biggest advantage of this system is for patients who have symptoms that are not that frequent-that is, patients who may present with syncope once every several months or even yearly, in which case short-term external monitors have limited utility.In addition, the issue of patient compliance in tolerating bulky external monitors is eliminated. This device can serve as a literal continuous ECG-recording machine, recording a patient’s heart rhythm for up to 3 years. An implantable loop monitor is, as it sounds, a “paper clip-sized” device that can be implanted just underneath the skin, left of the breastbone.